Respecting Differences


With the Washington state elections nearly behind us (as soon as the last ballot is counted) it is perhaps a time to muse on the various outcomes. Also to contemplate the national scene where it has become an “us-and-them” environment of dog-eat-dog divisiveness; where neither side comes to the table in good faith to try to work through the differences and still maintain friendship… at the very least, decorum.

The thoughts behind the writing of “Respecting Differences” comes from a photocopy of an article by The Rev. Dale Turner, former pastor at University Congregational United Church of Christ, and newspaper columnist. It was handed to me by a very dear friend who suggested I write a poem about the subject. Reverend Turner‘s writing resonated with me, and now, more than ever, his message has meaning for us all, and for our country.

* The Rev. Dale Turner (1917-2006)... described as “A loving pastor, capable of strong stands.”


Democracy is not the assumption of leadership
By the few who have won the election;
But is based on the wisdom, the conscience and participation
Of the many who will shape the direction.

It’s the give and take in our society that makes
Our nation strong and viable to the rest.
When everyone thinks alike, nobody thinks!
How we work together and communicate is the test!

Divisiveness and making the other person wrong
For having a point of view that differs
From one we hold is not the way to solve
Any problems. It just makes matters worse.

It’s not our differences that divide us. Oh, no!
It is our inability to recognize and accept…
That not everyone thinks or believes the same.
Respect for others will win! (What a concept!)

Respect for ourselves guides our morals,
While respect for others guides our manners.
Respecting others’ opinions does not necessarily mean
We drop our own, and carry their, banners!

Appreciating the similarities is the first step, I believe,
To communication between opposite opinions;
Then respecting the differences while in discussion…
Giving the relationship the most important attention.

The respect we show to others (or the lack thereof)
Immediately reflects on or own self-respect.
Show respect to people whether they deserve it or not.
It doesn’t define their character, but it’s yours it does reflect.

Speak your honest convictions and feelings,
And prepare to live with the consequences.
Remember to appreciate your similarities,
And don’t forget to respect the differences!
