Happy Holiday!
The word “vacation” had its origins between 1350 and 1400 and its original meaning was “freedom from obligations, leisure, release (from some activity or occupation).” The Latin root is vacate and from that the words vacate, vacation, vacancy and vacant are derived.
The Brits call it a “holiday,” not a “vacation.” Either way it’s an opportunity to journey within and meet your authentic self. G. K. Chesterton, a prolific writer of the 20th Century, described a holi.day (or vacation) as “a restoring thing which, by a blast of magic, turns a man into himself.”
And, as it is often said, wise people travel to discover themselves. Whether you travel near or far, it’s food for your soul.
Vacations are medicine for the soul,
And usually require the need to vacate…
Travel is often the method to get away,
To reconnect with ourselves, and re-create.
The choices are many! So many places to go!
Find what brings you joy, and go there.
The world is a book, and if you don’t travel
You have only one page to share.
Doing nothing brings everything into perspective.
Rediscover your passions, your purpose, and plus…
Why do we travel? Not to escape life,
But so that life will not escape us!
The word “vacation” summarizes it all:
Resurrection, rebirth, reincarnation and re-sprout.
A holiday turns people into themselves.
Of this fact, there is no doubt!
Wherever you go, go with all your heart.
The energy expended gains you more than you give.
The bottom line? The message here?
Do not work more than you live!