

In the midst of the Coronavirus Pandemic, it is my fervent hope that you are taking care of yourselves. Please do what you need to do to stay safe. (Wash your hands, don’t touch your face, and practice safe physical distancing.)

If things were like they were in the past, you know — normal — our thoughts would be turning to lighter things, like celebrating the warmer weather, flowers, etc. But April 2020 is clearly a new normal and we are all searching inwardly and outwardly for leadership to guide us through these unknown, murky waters.

The subject of April’s Poem of the Month is Leadership, and it attempts to define the qualities of an effective leader. The thoughts in this poem are based in ideas expressed by great leaders down through the ages.

I take credit only for arranging these brilliant leaders’ words into poetic form. I submit April 2020’s Poem of the Month as something to ponder.



Leadership is about vision and responsibility,
And never about power or fame.
Great leaders don’t tell you what to do;
They show how it is done, then you do the same.

True leadership is, basically, about servanthood,
Putting interests (or safety) of others at center of decisions.
The true test of a leader is how well he does in crisis.
In crises, the actions must be made with precision.

Leaders have the courage to make unpopular choices.
And in leadership, character is more important than strategy.
Leadership is taking the reins in solving problems, 
Seeking help from experts along the way.

A leader realizes he’s not always the smartest in the room
And listens, and learns from those who are in the know.
It’s not about making speeches, or being liked.
Leadership is defined by results, it would follow.

When leadership is lacking, there is much finger-pointing,
And arguments about who is to blame.
Leadership is about taking responsibility,
With no excuses. The leader must carry the flame!

A leader must do the right thing, even if painful.
He or She must do what needs to be done,
With truth and goodness, love and compassion.
The leader should lead others to the best solution.

But before I forget to mention this one thing:
A true leader is humble enough to admit his mistakes.
He takes a little more than his share of the blame,
And less than his share of credit, for goodness sakes. 
