Possibilities (What if?)


Being an optimist by nature, the idea for June’s Poem of the Month came into being as a logical extension following my April (Leadership), and May (Interdependence), Poems of the Month. No matter how sad or how uncomfortable the news might be to watch there is always an element of hope that (with a lot of hard work on everyone’s part) things will change and be better.

Before any possibilities can be considered, they first need to be put into words so everyone can have a look at them.

Here, poetically, is my contribution to the subject.



The mind is an amazing, wonderful thing!
What people can think about can be most exciting…
Or not… it depends on what their hearts can hold.
Is it warmth and kindness, or bitter cold?

I choose to ponder the warmer, kinder heart
Which shows compassion and practices the art
Of working together with others for the benefit
Of an all-inclusive world… a dream, I admit.

It’s the possibility of having a dream come true
That makes life interesting… and to continue—
When nothing is sure, everything is possible.
Every day holds the possibility of a miracle!

A Buddhist monk, by the name Thich Nhat Hanh,
Wrote about possibility — his words a voice of reason —
Clear and concise, the meaning quite intelligible:
“Because you are alive, everything is possible.”

What if a transformation could take place?
What if — instead of confrontation face to face
Between two camps so divisive and stubborn —
They could come together and cooperatively govern?

What if… people wanted to take care of each other,
Coming together for common good, sister and brother?
What if… our beautiful planet could thrive,
And each and everyone of us could feel more alive?

What if… our air could be breathable again,
And our fish in the oceans, in good health, could swim
What if… all of us experienced good health?
What if friendship and cooperation were measures of wealth?

So many things are possible when we think they are!!
Our possibilities are endless; imagination will take us far!
With possibilities, we begin each new day.
Let’s get started on the possibilities straightaway!
