AT HOME (There’s no place like it… )

This month’s poem, called “At Home,” strikes a chord with me, and I hope it will strike one with you, too. Celebrating the holidays with loved ones is always the preferred choice, but sometimes things come up that prevent it from happening.

The poem “At Home” is from a collection of Advent Poetry 2021 (that’s right, hot-off-the-press!). It’s especially appropriate, I think, fort this year, for many reasons, not the least of which is the need for many of us to make “home” wherever we are.

So, sit back and enjoy what is real for you at the moment. It’s what you have! And… relax, it’s yours to enjoy.

Happy End of 2021… Look forward to 2022!!!


(There’s no place like it… )

A house is made of brick and mortar, but
A home is made by the people who live there.
Home is where love resides and memories are created;
Friends are always welcome and family is forever.

Benjamin Franklin commented, “A house is not a home unless
It contains food and fire for the body and the mind.’
Our homes should inspire us to go out into the world
And do great things that are honest and kind.

We each carry our homes within us,
Which enables us to fly through the air.
It’s not about finding a home, so much,
As finding yourself… then “being at home” there.

The ache for home lives in all of us,
Where we can go as we are… no concealing.
Home is where you hang your heart…
Home may not be a place, but a feeling.
