

The February 2021 Poem of the Month, “Impermanence,' was selected after a lot of careful thought. I wanted a subject that reflected the situations that we are experiencing in this uncertain time.

2020 could certainly be looked upon as a nightmare, and I am sure to many people it was, and continues to be — loss of jobs, loss of loved ones, loss of the life as we knew it… perhaps the mood now can be labeled “uncertain,” as 2021 brings some hope… some guidance… the nightmare turning into a dream!

Changes in leadership… the decision to rely on science, not hearsay regarding the pandemic… the vaccines becoming more and more available… the efforts to open the schools (as the teachers are being vaccinated)… the jobs opening up again… all seem to be ranging in the positive zones!!!!!

Please enjoy “Impermanence” — this is its debut appearance, and will reappear in one of my three new books in 2021: MINDFULNESS, POSSIBILITIES and/or REFLECTIONS. Stay tuned!

As the poem states… indeed, life goes on, no matter how much we might want things to remain the same! That is our challenge… to be able to simply “go on” as life goes on around is.



Every change is a challenge to become who you are.
And hopefully, you will alway be changing.
When one stage of life gives way to another
Your habits will need rearranging.
How you spiritually navigate these important transitions
Will determine whether joy or despair is ranging.

There is never a permanent positive change.
Everything everywhere is impermanent.
Every beginning has an end; everything born will die,
…Moves so fast we’re left in bewilderment…
We’re not stagnant beings. Transience is a given.
Relax, live in the moment. Take enjoyment.

No man ever steps in the same river twice
It’s not the same river, keeps on flowing.
And it’s not the same man, for between the steps
Man is changing, the winds are blowing.
The only way to make sense out of the changes
Is to move with them, join the dance, go on growing.

If you decide to avoid change at all cost,
Be prepared for a life-changing shock!
Change will eventually find you in your hiding,
And it probably won’t even knock.
Robert Frost summed up all he learned about life
In three words: “It goes on.” (Tick Tock)
