Positive Energy


August 2021… and the Pandemic rages on… in unvaccinated areas of the world… Homelessness… Poverty… All of it! We go back to square one, and this time, having learned something from our mistakes, we have an opportunity to do it right!

Fear, anger, stubbornness, and other similar ways of dealing — will not work to fix the ills of the world… any of them…

It is solutions we need… creativity in thinking; a positive “can-do” attitude; perseverance; willingness to learn from, and work with, others; etc., etc.

In other words, “Be the solution, not the problem,” the subtitle of this month’s Poem Of The Month.

Oh, and… Love is always the answer, no matter the question.



Did you know? There is a direct correlation
Between positive energy and a positive result!
In order to attract positive things in your life,
Give off positive energy. It’s not difficult.

Only give out what you want to get back,
And don’t use your energy to worry!
Worry’s a negative message to the universe.
At best, results will be blurry.

When you seem to reach bottom with a negative outlook…
When you say, “It can’t get any worse…”
You are challenging the universe to do exactly that!
You are part of the problem. Put things in reverse.

Wayne Dyer’s words, when he shared this thought,
Had a logic to them. They did not seem strange.
“Change the way you at look things, my friends,
And the things you look at change.”

Let’s turn now to the words of our own Bill Gates…
A redirection from the negative to the positive tense;
“Spend more time and energy supporting what you favor
Than opposing what you’re [absolutely] against.”

With positive energy, you can expect positive outcomes.
(Your positivity to others heals your own pain.)
Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile,
And the opposite is true — the message is plain.
Your smile can be the source of your joy.
It’s a wonderful lesson — to trick your own brain!

Take responsibility for the energy that you bring,
And choose wisely the things you do with your time.
You create your own reality — there’s no fine print…
No exceptions… no asterisks. The right choice is sublime.
