Peace on Earth

I debated about presenting the poem “Peace On Earth” as the December Poem of the Month, since it was included in my annual Christmas Letter, sent out with Christmas cards earlier this month.

Peace On Earth is so much more than mouthing the words, and hoping and praying for it to magically happen… so here the poem comes, once again, for your (re)reading and, I hope, enjoyment.

The photo is one taken by my lovely daughter (in-law) on Maui when the moon was full. Enjoy “Maui In The Moonlight” by Eva LaFollette.

And please remember… whatever the question, LOVE is the answer.



It’s said that peace begins with a smile.
And it comes from within; don’t seek it from without.
The behavior of others can test the measure
Of the inner peace you carry through the fallout.

“Peace cannot be kept by force.”
(This… according to Einstein)
“It can only be achieved by understanding.”
Peace comes through you; that’s the bottom line.

You have peace when you make it with yourself.
And peace is a day-by-day process.
Opinions gradually change; old barriers slowly erode.
With practice, it can become effortless.

“Do your little bits of good where you are…”
(As Desmond Tutu so wisely shared)
“Put them together — they can overwhelm the world.”
It’s an important way to show that you cared.

Someone asked me once when my “justice mode” was flaring,
“Do you want to be happy or right?”
Happy is peaceful, keeping stillness inside,
While winning at being right requires a fight.

When the power of love replaces the love of power
Then world peace will be given a chance.
Peace is not God’s gift to his creatures…
Peace is our gift to each other — do the dance!