
Thanks to a dear college friend, I was reminded that what the world needs right about now is a generous dose of Laughter!

Granted, the world’s condition is not very laughable at the moment, so I was not even close to thinking of Laughter as being the subject for May’s Poem of the Month. Then, upon researching the internet for some wise words on the subject, Socrates explained to my satisfaction that “The Comic and the Tragic lie inseparably close, like light and shadow.”

And George Bernard Shaw further explained, “Life doesn’t cease to be funny when people die, any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh.”

So, Allegra — dear friend — thanks for the prod! I needed it!



Laughter has been called an instant vacation…
It is sunshine in the house… it has no foreign accent.
It’s the shortest distance between two people;
That it makes you feel happy is no accident.

When you laugh, your body produces endorphins —
Hormones which relieve your pain and your stress.
Endorphin release gives you a natural “high…”
A feeling of well-being and hopefulness.

Socrates said, “The Comic and the Tragic
Lie inseparably close, like light and shadow.”
We are constantly comparing one to the other,
And pondering what reaction might be apropos.

George Bernard Shaw confirmed this premise…
In fact, it could even be his monograph:
“Life doesn’t cease to be funny when people die
Any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh.”

It’s said that an optimist laughs to forget
While a pessimist forgets to laugh at all.
e.e. cummings said “The most wasted of all days
Is one without laughter” — morning to nightfall.

Lots of people have contributed an opinion
On the value of laughter in our daily lives.
I’ll throw a few in to amuse and enlighten
Your awareness that laughter will help you to thrive!

“A good laugh heals a lot of hurts.”
So says Madeleine L’Engle — so wise.
Mark Twain: “Against the assault of laughter,
Nothing can stand” — no need to analyze.
Lord Byron quoted: “Always laugh when you can!
It’s cheap medicine.” — it’s true, I realize.
Erma Bombeck said, “When humor goes,
There goes civilization!” — a need to dramatize!

“You don’t stop laughing because you grow old;
You grow old because you stop laughing!” It’s true!
Michael Pritchard shared those very wise words.
Please share them with others. They will thank you!

Laughing is always the best form of therapy.
It’s the opposite of being sad and downcast.
Laughter is mankind’s most effective weapon.
As Mary Poole stated: “He who laughs, lasts!”
