
There are so many quotes on the subject of truth; the one that stands out the strongest is “The truth will set you free!…” And one very clever person added: “…But not until it is finished with you!”

And I think I like Booker T. Washington’s comment on the subject, just about best of all: “A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right, and evil doesn’t become good, just because it is accepted by a majority.”

Albert Einstein said, “Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.”

The quotes on the subject have continued on down through the ages, but truth seems to be very difficult to find these days, especially amongst some of our politicians, the representatives we elect to “represent” us in Congress; and, perhaps the media, and, and, and…. The beat goes on…

I believe that truth begins on the personal level. We must first tell ourselves the truth, then it is easier to tell the truth to someone else… it becomes a habit, a way of life. Telling yourself the truth, and then living that truth, emboldens the feeling, the belief, you have about yourself. Your confidence level increases. Fear dissipates and you have the freedom to be the wonderful you that you are!

I guess “The truth will set you free!” deserves to be the quote most favored.



Buddha says, “Three things cannot be hidden:
The sun, the moon and the truth…”
The lesson is strong and should be learned
While you are still in your youth.

Truth is compared to the oil on the water…
The level of the oil doesn’t drop,
No matter how much water you add to depress it.
Truth and oil will always float to the top.

Denying the truth does not change the facts.
They are there before you, night and day.
Truth, like the sun, can be shut out for a time,
But it is always there. It won’t go away.

Truth exists; only lies are invented.
(I have this on great authority!)
The truth is still the truth, even if no one believes it.
A lie is still a lie, even if supported by a majority.
