
Sooner or later, in one’s life, the existential questions begin to pop up in our conscious minds… like, “Why was I born?” “What is the meaning of life?” “Where did I come from (before birth) and where am I going (after death)?” … and many more… for instance, “What is my purpose?”

I certainly don’t have any finite answers that would necessarily quiet your mind, or work for you — but it’s a treat to share comments on some of the esoteric thoughts that pop up every now and then for me.

Perhaps the answers to some of these kinds of questions will come to us, and perhaps they won’t… but for me, at this time, I am consciously working on simply “being where my feet are.” 

That’s the best I can do, for now…

Please enjoy the October 2023 Poem of the Month, entitled “Meaning.”

And, remember, “Whatever the question, Love is always the answer.



What is the meaning of the word “meaning?”
Where does it measure on the scale of understanding?
The definition of meaning must depend upon who is searching;
So, agreement about “meaning” is elusive, notwithstanding.

Plato defines man as “a being in search of meaning,”
And many people I know could be defined that way.
The searches play out in as many ways as there are people.
They each formulate their search on their own pathway.

It is also believed that people are not really looking for meaning,
But for the experience of being alive on this earth.
Joseph Campbell suggests this… So is meaning a by-product
Of a successful discovery of one’s own self-worth?

The meaning of life is not to be discovered only
After death in some hidden mysterious realm.
It is found by eating fruit from the Tree of Life;
By sailing (living) fully and creatively. You’re at the helm!