Make Things Happen

After last month’s Poem of the Month, “Lifelong Learning,” I thought the follow up to it for March of 2025 would be something… I don’t know… educational?

So I sat down to put some words on paper, and the pencil wouldn’t move!!! Nothing… So, I walked away… assuming that the words would come, and the poem would get written. A couple of days passed, and still no inspiration!

Then, a day or two later I was in conversation with a friend, and I felt my mouth forming the words: “make things happen,” and I knew that was the subject for the new poem. The words flew from the end of the pencil as I wrote it.

That’s how it works, sometimes. Sometimes the subject picks me!

Remember, whatever the question, love is always the answer

I hope you enjoy reading the poem.



Some of the best ideas never get off the ground…
Ideas that might have had remarkable impact;
But after years of talking about it — ad nauseam —
The most difficult thing was the decision to act.

According to Michael Jordan (of basketball fame)
“There are some people who want it to happen,
[And] some [timid souls] will wish [for success],
While others will actually [do it].” (No nappin’)

First the dream — then lots of hard work from you…
You must use your own passion to self-motivate.
You don’t need a fancy degree to make it happen.
It’s in your head, heart and hands. Don’t procrastinate! 

Once you decide to move on toward your goal…
The universe will conspire to make it come true.
Your effort is a direct reflection of your interest.
So, stay focused, work smart. The onus is on you.

There’s no scarcity of opportunity to making a living
Doing what you love… what you’re passionate about.
There’s only scarcity of resolve to make it happen.
How much effort you apply is yours to figure out.

The secret to getting ahead, my friends,
Is getting started with that first decision to act.
And do not let life impede your progress.
Concentrate on your goal. Your dream will become fact.