Separateness Is An Illusion


November’s Poem of the Month is not a new one of mine, but one I wrote in 2002! I believe it is quite appropriate for this time… this year… this month… especially! It reminds the reader that, like it or not, we are all in this life together!

Human beings are social beings! We need each other in order to thrive… not only to thrive, but our very survival depends on all of us figuring out how to work together!

It’s not “us and them.” It is just simply us! U.S. (U.S. of A.)

My hope is that this poem, “Separateness Is An Illusion,” will serve, as a reminder, to guide our thinking towards unity and away from divisiveness… not only in our country, but all around the world!

As the last line of the poem states, “Love is the cure.”

And remember, Whatever the question, love is (always) the answer!



Mankind suffers an illness
Of the illusion of separateness.
We believe the world is made up
Of discrete things which don’t coalesce.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
We are one interconnected whole
In the natural order of things.
It’s as if we have but one soul.
We are a part of the natural order
And it’s laws are our laws, too.
We are an endless moving stream
In a stream that is endless and true.
All distinctions are falsely imagined.
Separateness is sickness, to be sure.
We are the eternal mind of the universe,
And Love is the cure.
