

So here we are in October… just a few short days until the election. Accountability is the subject of this month’s poem, as it relates to the upcoming election. However, the need for accountability is everywhere; on every level, at every age and, of course, it begins at home.”

Other descriptions of accountability are: “walking your talk,” “keeping your promise,” “being mindful of what you say,” “following through” — “being reliable.”  I read something the other day that fits in this discussion: “Be accountable for your feelings and actions, because you chose to have them.”

And what must follow from being accountable (or not) is this gem: “When you choose your behavior, you choose your consequences.”  Taking ownership of one’s thoughts and actions almost automatically makes one accountable.

Whether running a household, a corporation or a national government, accountability is the major basic requirement!

Be accountable, and be sure to vote in the upcoming election. Vote early, if possible, and vote wisely.

Always remember, whatever the question, love is the answer.



Accountability is the measure of a leader’s height.
A leader who is accountable will do things right:
Calling leaders to be responsible before placing blame,
And to realize leading others is not just a game.

Conscience binds and accountability liberates…
Failure to follow through will negatively translate.
Opinion is the lowest form of human knowledge…
Fact-finding and truth-telling will give you an edge.

Unless you’re dead, you can keep your promises;
It’s easier if you can examine your old prejudices.
Never promise more than you can perform.
Always strive higher — much higher than the norm.

The price of greatness is responsibility,
Which gives your actions a strong sense of credibility.
A leader must be accountable to his nation’s laws.
Decisions cannot be made by “drawing straws.”

Being reliable is the basis of accountability.
“Walking your talk” illustrates your dependability.
It’s always the right time to do things right.
Your actions can be trusted. They are honest and forthright.

Life is better when people keep their word.
When they don’t, the meaning of their words becomes blurred.
I strive to be accountable for my thoughts, words and actions.
Being less than honest will spoil all interactions.

The only thing in your way is you.
So check your motives, and push your way through.
You are the reason for your success or failure.
Accountability is what good citizens prefer.
