Mend the World


Though this poem was written a few years ago, the message continues to be appropriate now. If each and every one of us, like the imagined couple in their mud house in Africa, were to maintain just and joyful relations with each other, imagine “What A Wonderful World” it could become! (Thank you, Satchmo!)

Whatever the question, love is the answer!



When strife occurs between nations —
Between neighbors or loved ones, as well,
An unease is felt by everyone,
It’s shadows to foretell.
Pain and misery will follow
Until you can put it to rest.
There’s a way to reduce the tension;
This might describe it best:

We are a part of the great woven texture
Of our world and the universe unending.
When fabric has suffered a break
The metaphor for healing is mending.
When a couple in their mud house in Africa
Maintain just and joyful relations,
The world is a little bit better place,
And they deserve our congratulations.

As members of the world community
We must run our own checks and balances.
Then make repairs to the tear in the web
And enhance, with love, our alliances.
Review your actions the past twenty-four hours;
Imagine your ability to refashion.
Mend your world one correction at a time,
Then live your life with passion
