You Live and You Die by the Choices You Make


Choices… we make them every day… sometimes many times a day!

They may range in “size” from very small to sometimes very large. Some of them we make automatically… like taking the next step, or reaching for a glass in the cupboard. And some of them — like deciding what you want to do with your life… or deciding on a life mate… or sorting out your beliefs — can feel insurmountable!

Of course, the simple choices (the ones in the middle) might include what to eat for dinner or what to wear when you get dressed in the morning.

We, in America, are guaranteed Freedom of Choice — at this time in history, we have more choice than any group of people ever has had before, and thus, more freedom and autonomy.

The poem “You Live And You Die By The Choices You Make” is an observation of mine of a few years back… a recognition that what had happened to me in my life was a direct result of the choices I had made. I spoke with friends and family about the subject, and learned that they, too, saw the connections between the choices they had made and the results which had formed their lives.

So, I share my poem for the September 2020 Poem Of The Month, in the hopes it will resonate with you during these interesting times. Currently, we are faced with many choices that are not in the category of “automatic” or “simple.” They may be life-threatening or life-saving. The choices are up to us! And, as the line in the poem urges, we must “Make sure they’re based on love, not fear.

Whatever the question, love is the answer.



Your life is the sum total of the choices you make.
You choose the directions that your life will take.
You decide what you want, you hold the wheel,
So steer your course and your life will reveal
The results of your choices. It’s always your move.
As it unfolds, you look to improve.

It’s your choices that show what you really are —
More than your abilities — oh man, by far!
You are solely responsible for the actions you choose.
You must accept the consequences and risk the blues.
In deeds, words, and thoughts throughout your lifetime;
Your awareness to detail must work all the time.

Mankind’s greatest gift, or course, if you will
Is that we have free choice, and it takes skill
To determine the motive for the choices as they appear —
Make sure they’re based on love, not fear.
Sometimes it’s only a choice of attitude,
And sometimes it results in gratitude.

The key to your universe? Your ability to choose!
It’s very important and nothing to abuse.
Only by exercising your choosing right
Can you exercise the ability to change your plight.
And accidental choices are as important (yours and mine)
As the careful choices you make by design.

Other people’s choices are nothing more
Than another alternative for you to explore.
You may make a thousand little choices each day.
All of them count as you walk your pathway.
Some of your choices may cause you strife…
Manage your choices and you’ll manage your life.

The end result of your life on this planet
Will be the sum total of your choices. You plan it.
Freedom comes to you when that power you keep —
The power to choose. You sow and you reap.
Make good decisions and in them rejoice.
There’s no life as complete as the life lived by choice.
