…And The Conversation Continues

The name of October 2022’s Poem of the Month is … And The Conversation Continues. During the past few months. I’ve been fortunate to connect with some long-time friends and, honestly, we pick up the conversation where it left off the last time we spoke!

The length of the time lapse doesn’t seem to matter.

So, thoughts about what a conversation is, and how it enhances the quality of our lives, prompted the poem.

Enjoy it, and remember…

Whatever the question, love is the answer…



What is more satisfying than a good conversation
With a person who stimulates your mind, and your heart?
A good conversation can shift your perspective.
People who engage are practicing their art.

Many famous people have commented on the subject:
Anne Morrow Lindbergh enjoyed a good conversation.
She said, “It’s as stimulating as drinking black coffee,
And just as hard to sleep after.” (Fun association!)

Even with all the modern “Zoomy” technology
A face-to-face conversation is certainly my preference.
A face-to-face conversation is unfolded slowly.
It teaches patience; moreover, it creates confidence.

Remember that “silence is one of the great arts of conversation.”
Cicero related that opinion in his writings.
You listen to their words before you respond.
Give-and-take in conversation is much more inviting.

Ideal conversation is an exchange of thought.
It’s not oratory or an exhibition of wit.
You build on another person’s words and observations,
And both of you reap the benefit.

True happiness arises from the enjoyment of one’s self;
And after that, the company of others that you hold dear.
Friendship and conversation with your select companions
Create in your world a loving atmosphere.