Elder Wisdom

September 2022’s poem, “Elder Wisdom,” was first published in 2017 in my book, AWAKENINGS. Though short in length, it packs a powerful lesson, I think. It reminds us that we get back (usually, in like kind) that which we put into a thought… a philosophy… a project… a life!

If we think positively about something, then positive results will ensue; and the same holds true if we think in a negative vein… we get negative results!

Feed the positive, my friends. Feed the positive!!! You will be happier, and who knows? Your presence might make other people happier, too.

Remember, whatever the question, Love Is The Answer.



Old Cherokee wisdom passed down to the young
Around a campfire burning bright…
The Elder Woman sharing her stories so wise
To a granddaughter basking in the light,

The subject was about a battle that rages…
(Couched in terms of two wolves in a fight… )
The fight goes on inside people each day
Between Good and evil — wrong and right.

Evil is anger. It’s envy and jealousy.
It’s sorrow and regret and greed;
On the other hand, Good is joy, peace and love.
It is hope and serenity, truths to heed.

The young girl turned to her grandmother and asked,
Her face in an earnest, questioning need…
“Which one wins?” She asked the Elder Woman.
The Old Woman’s answer: “The one you feed.”