Finding the Good

With all the negative that is going on in the world today… senseless shootings of innocent people; the war in Ukraine, (heck, the “war” between our own political parties); inflation, recession, poverty, homelessness… where does the bad news end? (Oh yes, there’s still Covid in various forms! And now Monkeypox!)

With so much happening in the world that is negative, our emotions are on overload! And what happens with overload? In most cases, people experience numbness. They become unfazed by all the negative, as it can quickly become a new “normal.”

It’s dangerous to be unfazed, my friends, very dangerous. You miss out on all the good that exists. You can choose to deliberately focus on the good! Focus on what is going right all around you.

Rise above it all — listen to your heart, follow your path and have a purpose that is larger than yourself. Make sure it is one that is for the good of all.

Remember, Whatever the Question, Love is the Answer!

Here then, my poem for August 2022, “Finding The Good.”



Never let a day pass without looking for the good!
Appreciate all that is positive in your surroundings,
And give every day the chance of being the best…
Your reward will be in the joy rebounding!

The odds of finding the good while thinking about the bad
Are not possible as you go about your days.
You will always find what you are looking for…
So, look for the good! (If you need to, change your ways.)

When you look for the good in others, you discover
The best there is in yourself! Mark my word!
Your chance for success and happiness and joy
Lies within your choice to find the good. Don’t be deterred.

As you focus on the positive you think fewer negative thoughts.
Your attitude improves and optimism is let in.
You are free to think about what you can do to help
To bring change to our broken world. Imagine!

Know you cannot do all the good the world needs,
But the world sorely needs all the good you can do.
A positive mindset will open you to opportunities.
You’ll overcome the obstacles! The choice is up to you!

Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind!
Listen to your heart, and the dreams it contains.
Plato’s words: “Reality is created by the mind.
Change your reality by changing your mind.” Use your brain!

“The most common way people give up their power
Is by thinking they don’t have any.” (..Alice Walker)
You see in the world what you carry in your heart.
Carry love and hope. Share your voice. Be a talker!