Happiness and Health

Last month’s poem on Seeking Happiness brought some lovely remarks from some of you, so I decided to make the May 2023 Poem of the Month a follow-up to that one… keeping the message alive, so to speak.

In the third act of life, my peers and I are experiencing losses that are affecting us more than we could ever have anticipated when we were younger… why, I remember hearing, and even speaking, the phrase: “If I knew I would live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself!” It turns out that truer words could not have been spoken.

Self-care is not selfish. Take care of your body. 

It’s said that your body is the only place you have to live. 

I’ve read that wellness is the complete integration of body, mind and spirit — the realization that everything we do, think, feel and believe has an effect on our state of well-being… the state of our health!

A dear friend of mine, upon ending a conversation with (or during a departure from) someone, always says, “Stay healthy and happy!” The two go hand in hand. 

Keep love in your heart and you’ll have a smile on your face

And, remember: no matter the question, love is always the answer.



“I have chosen to be happy because it is good for my health!”
Voltaire penned these now-famous words long ago.
It’s thought that your body hears everything your mind says —
Make your self-talk positive, as through your life you go.

A healthy outside starts from the inside;
Our thoughts propel us, our bodies follow.
A calm mind brings inner strength and confidence
Which are important for good health, as you know.

Most people have no idea how well their bodies are designed
For feeling good and healthy and alive!
Health is more than the absence of disease.
It’s your inner spirit glowing! You are meant to thrive!

People who laugh live longer than those who don’t.
The key to a healthy body is having a healthy mind.
What fuels your spirit actually fuels your body.
Happiness and health are forever intertwined.

Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times
If you can remember to turn on your own light.
Only you can do it… you and you alone.
Find the wick, light your match, and it will ignite.

Start each day with a grateful heart.
Your inner and outer health is your greatest wealth.
The Dalai Lama sums it up with these simple words:
“Happiness is the highest form of health!”