2020 seems to have exposed more than ever the suffering in our world, and the need to do something about it. I wrote this poem as a statement, and as a reminder, that humanitarianism need not be the making of large and sweeping gestures to help people who are suffering. A humanitarian act can be many sizes and scopes.
The definition of the word, humanitarian, is: “… having concern for or helping to improve the welfare of people. It pertains to the saving of human lives and/or to the alleviation of suffering.
The following poem is my take on the subject. I hope you find it helpful… or at the very least, interesting.
Who are we, as human beings,
If we ignore the suffering of others, everywhere?
Great minds and great hearts have commented on this,
And have left us with wisdom I wish to share.
“If you can’t feed a hundred people, feed just one.”
“It’s important that you act, no matter how insignificant.”
“One act of kindness a day can make a difference.”
“When you live in an unjust world, you can’t remain nonchalant.”
Love grows only by sharing it with others.
(Sound advice to remember, if you would…)
Go into the world and do well, my friends,
But also, go into the world and do good!!
A person’s true wealth is the good he/she does
In the world for others most appreciative.
We make a living by what we get,
But we make a life by what we give.
Humanitarian work is part of your life’s goals.
We are faced with inequality, again and again.
The burning questions we should ask ourselves:
“If not us, then who? If not now, then when?”