Returning To Normal… Or Moving Forward

With the availability of the Covid-19 vaccines increasing, and the states beginning to open up a bit, it occurred to me that it might be time to write a poem about what that might mean for all of us… how it might look.

What is the transition going to be like for you?

For me, I will probably be ever watchful and careful when out with friends or in public anywhere. And I will try to curb my judgment about how others are coping — all the while doing what I think is best for me. It will not be an instant healing from the trauma that this pandemic has brought. No, as the old adage states, “Time takes time.”

And, as the poem implies, there are no rule books for our ongoing behavior as we hopefully move further and further away from the pandemic. But there are opportunities for each of us to be kinder, more patient and loving with each other.

The wisdom, “Whatever the question, love is the answer,” fits this transition time perfectly.



A.P. A. D. Hmmm… what does it mean?
Like with other aphorisms, it’s just one more to learn:
Anticipatory Post-pandemic Apprehension Disorder…
There! It’s named! So, what is the concern?

We’ve gotten used to social distancing and washing our hands.
We forget, and wear our masks even when we’re home alone!
We bump elbows, do air hugs — blow kisses, too.
It has become for us, our comfort zone.

Currently, science is winning over political suppositions;
There’s light at the end of the tunnel, at last.
People are lining up for vaccines.
Though a long time coming, relief is in the forecast.

In the rush to return to “normal” we need to decide
What parts of “normal” are worth rushing back to.
We have an opportunity to design a kinder world.
We can predict our future by creating it. It’s true!

(Besides, “normal” is an illusion;
It depends on where you lie.
What is “normal” for the spider
Is certain chaos for the fly!)

Look at it like this: a parable, if you will:
Suppose everybody went away on an extended trip.
In their absence the world moved and changed.
And, when they returned there was a new landing strip!

The end of the pandemic is finally in sight.
There will be a new set of rules, not like before.
But what are they? The mind is boggled a bit.
Transitions are tricky! It’s disconcerting…and more!

The trauma of change, the emotional upheaval,
Whether you’ve experienced the loss of loved ones, or not,
Has left its mark — has left us uncertain;
But now it is hopeful, and better by a long shot!

Take it easy as you go — take baby steps first!
It won’t be the same as it was before.
It’ll be different now, maybe even better.
Have fun as you go — as you continue to explore.

Be patient and kind with yourself, and with others.
Each one of us heals at a different rate.
Accept that others are dealing with stuff, too.
Believe it will get better, as the fears abate.


The February 2021 Poem of the Month, “Impermanence,' was selected after a lot of careful thought. I wanted a subject that reflected the situations that we are experiencing in this uncertain time.

2020 could certainly be looked upon as a nightmare, and I am sure to many people it was, and continues to be — loss of jobs, loss of loved ones, loss of the life as we knew it… perhaps the mood now can be labeled “uncertain,” as 2021 brings some hope… some guidance… the nightmare turning into a dream!

Changes in leadership… the decision to rely on science, not hearsay regarding the pandemic… the vaccines becoming more and more available… the efforts to open the schools (as the teachers are being vaccinated)… the jobs opening up again… all seem to be ranging in the positive zones!!!!!

Please enjoy “Impermanence” — this is its debut appearance, and will reappear in one of my three new books in 2021: MINDFULNESS, POSSIBILITIES and/or REFLECTIONS. Stay tuned!

As the poem states… indeed, life goes on, no matter how much we might want things to remain the same! That is our challenge… to be able to simply “go on” as life goes on around is.



Every change is a challenge to become who you are.
And hopefully, you will alway be changing.
When one stage of life gives way to another
Your habits will need rearranging.
How you spiritually navigate these important transitions
Will determine whether joy or despair is ranging.

There is never a permanent positive change.
Everything everywhere is impermanent.
Every beginning has an end; everything born will die,
…Moves so fast we’re left in bewilderment…
We’re not stagnant beings. Transience is a given.
Relax, live in the moment. Take enjoyment.

No man ever steps in the same river twice
It’s not the same river, keeps on flowing.
And it’s not the same man, for between the steps
Man is changing, the winds are blowing.
The only way to make sense out of the changes
Is to move with them, join the dance, go on growing.

If you decide to avoid change at all cost,
Be prepared for a life-changing shock!
Change will eventually find you in your hiding,
And it probably won’t even knock.
Robert Frost summed up all he learned about life
In three words: “It goes on.” (Tick Tock)


2020 seems to have exposed more than ever the suffering in our world, and the need to do something about it. I wrote this poem as a statement, and as a reminder, that humanitarianism need not be the making of large and sweeping gestures to help people who are suffering. A humanitarian act can be many sizes and scopes.

The definition of the word, humanitarian, is: “… having concern for or helping to improve the welfare of people. It pertains to the saving of human lives and/or to the alleviation of suffering.

The following poem is my take on the subject. I hope you find it helpful… or at the very least, interesting.



Who are we, as human beings,
If we ignore the suffering of others, everywhere?
Great minds and great hearts have commented on this,
And have left us with wisdom I wish to share.

“If you can’t feed a hundred people, feed just one.”
“It’s important that you act, no matter how insignificant.”
“One act of kindness a day can make a difference.”
“When you live in an unjust world, you can’t remain nonchalant.”

Love grows only by sharing it with others.
(Sound advice to remember, if you would…)
Go into the world and do well, my friends,
But also, go into the world and do good!!

A person’s true wealth is the good he/she does
In the world for others most appreciative.
We make a living by what we get,
But we make a life by what we give.

Humanitarian work is part of your life’s goals.
We are faced with inequality, again and again.
The burning questions we should ask ourselves:
“If not us, then who? If not now, then when?”
