Because You Have A Choice, You Have A Chance

In doing some research on the subjects of “choice” and “chance,” I found that most of the information related to “choice OR chance” vs. “choice TO chance.” Our English language has lots of these little quirks, it seems.

Choice leading TO chance is the basis for this October 2021 Poem of the Month; and although November is considered the “Gratitude Month,” I am grateful now, in October, for being able to make choices for myself with the knowledge that it opens up chances, or opportunities, for making even better choices.

I hope you enjoy the poem.



According to William Jennings Bryan
Your destiny is a matter of choice.
It’s a thing to be achieved, and when it is
You have many reasons to rejoice.

You can be miserable, to be sure,
Or you can be happily self-motivated.
The ball is in your court (isn’t it always?).
Your choices are yours to be activated.

The decisions you make are a choice of values.
They reflect your life in every way.
It is these decisions that shape your path.
Make good choices for yourself every day.

Every choice you make has an end result.
Making good ones will afford you a chance
To better opportunities and a happier life,
As along life’s trail you advance.

With good choices come opportunities — chances —
To improve your situation… to make your life better.
Your chances of success can always be measured
By your belief in yourself… be a go-getter!

Hunter S. Thompson’s advice on chance is short and sweet:
“Buy the ticket. Take the ride…” his words exactly.
“Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better…”
Albert Camus’ comment weighed in most matter-of-factly.

Use each sunset as your very own reset button,
And start over each morning grateful for the chance
To open your eyes to see your better life.
You are extraordinary, you’re victorious in your unique dance.

Cherish Every Moment

September, 2021’s Poem of the Month attempts to spread some good cheer and, hopefully, to help in looking at our lives a little differently… and a lot more positively, perhaps.

In spite of the current world situation, the pandemic, and all that goes with that — all things over which we, as individuals, have little or no control — we are still in control of the “now” in our own lives.

The past is behind… learn from it. The future is ahead… plan for it. But the present is here, this moment… LIVE IT! Mother Teresa said: “Be happy in the moment, that’s enough. Each moment is all we need, not more.” And Richard Bach, who brought Jonathan Livingston Seagull to life in our hearts and minds, says: “The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it.”

So cherish all your happy moments! If you do, you will find that magical events will start taking place in your lives. Awareness of happy moments makes a wonderful cushion for old age.

No matter the question, love is always the answer…



If you can learn to appreciate life as it happens,
You’ll escape living a life with regret.
Wishing life had been different is still only wishing,
And there’s no going back to repay a debt.

Learn to enjoy every moment of your life!
Don’t wait for happiness to come from “outside.”
The time you have to spend at work and at play
Is precious, not replaceable. Let love be your guide.

Your lives are composed of a finite set of moments
That only you can choose how to spend.
Cherish every moment with those you love…
Make room in your lives for family and friends.

Thoreau weighed in on the subject of friends,
Whom he held in the highest esteem:
“Friends… they cherish one another’s hopes.
They are kind to one another’s dreams.”

Cherish every moment of your life, my friends —
It’s the greatest journey you will ever take.
Enjoy all the little things as they unfold.
In retrospect, they’ll be the big things — make no mistake.

Each morning when you rise, take stock of all your joys.
Be grateful for the privilege you have to be alive!
You can breathe, and think, and enjoy, and love!
Every moment is a gift! You have this one chance to thrive!

Positive Energy

August 2021… and the Pandemic rages on… in unvaccinated areas of the world… Homelessness… Poverty… All of it! We go back to square one, and this time, having learned something from our mistakes, we have an opportunity to do it right!

Fear, anger, stubbornness, and other similar ways of dealing — will not work to fix the ills of the world… any of them…

It is solutions we need… creativity in thinking; a positive “can-do” attitude; perseverance; willingness to learn from, and work with, others; etc., etc.

In other words, “Be the solution, not the problem,” the subtitle of this month’s Poem Of The Month.

Oh, and… Love is always the answer, no matter the question.



Did you know? There is a direct correlation
Between positive energy and a positive result!
In order to attract positive things in your life,
Give off positive energy. It’s not difficult.

Only give out what you want to get back,
And don’t use your energy to worry!
Worry’s a negative message to the universe.
At best, results will be blurry.

When you seem to reach bottom with a negative outlook…
When you say, “It can’t get any worse…”
You are challenging the universe to do exactly that!
You are part of the problem. Put things in reverse.

Wayne Dyer’s words, when he shared this thought,
Had a logic to them. They did not seem strange.
“Change the way you at look things, my friends,
And the things you look at change.”

Let’s turn now to the words of our own Bill Gates…
A redirection from the negative to the positive tense;
“Spend more time and energy supporting what you favor
Than opposing what you’re [absolutely] against.”

With positive energy, you can expect positive outcomes.
(Your positivity to others heals your own pain.)
Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile,
And the opposite is true — the message is plain.
Your smile can be the source of your joy.
It’s a wonderful lesson — to trick your own brain!

Take responsibility for the energy that you bring,
And choose wisely the things you do with your time.
You create your own reality — there’s no fine print…
No exceptions… no asterisks. The right choice is sublime.
