Important Things Not Learned in School

Recently, while sorting through, literally, piles (and boxes) of notes jotted down for potential future poems, my eyes fell upon a paragraph about education by one Neil Gaiman. By “googling” his name, I learned he is an award-winning contemporary English author of short fiction, novels, comic books, graphic novels and audio theatre.

In this found paragraph, he lists some necessary subjects that are not taught in any school. I must say, I found them to be a bit unusual, and they whetted my appetite to do further “googling.”

Kalen Bruce’s list, entitled “47 Things You Weren’t Taught In School (That Our Kids Need To Know)” was an eye opener, as well. It lists specific things that are necessary for a reality based life, from 1. “How To Budget” to 47. “Mental Health.”

So, here’s the August 2023 Poem Of The Month, “Important Things Not Learned In School.” I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Also, check out Kalen Bruce’s list of 47! You’ll be amazed!!

And, underlying all the suggestions to improve the education system or anything else, for that matter, remember that whatever the question, love is always the answer.



Many people have weighed in on the subject of education.
It becomes a hot topic every four years, or so.
Politicians spew promises: “More money is the answer!”
Yet, after the election, where does the money go?

Schools are not improved, and the kids’ preparedness for life
Falls short, by most everyone’s measure.
True education comes from life… from school and home;
From the streets; from social media; and even college lecture.

Robert Fulghum advised adults about how children learn:
“Don’t worry that children never listen to you;
Worry that they are always watching…” your every move.
How they walk and how they talk will give you a clue.

And George Carlin, that comedic hippy-dippy-do,
Suggested we “Don’t just teach [our] children to read.
Teach them to question what they read,” and even
“Teach them to question everything…” in order to succeed.

Neil Gaiman’s list of things not taught in school
Includes topics that are personal and not heard before:
One of his is learning “how to love somebody else;”
Followed by “how to be rich,” and “how to be poor.”

And other things on his list of equal uniqueness
Appear that can make someone stop, and see a link…
But that’s the main reason for education:
Learning how to, but not necessarily what to think.

There are many practical things not taught in school**
That would prepare a person for real life, if taught.
They range from “How to budget,” to “How to manage stress.”
The list is long, and most important — it is food for thought.


Hello Again, Friends,

I am so happy to be bringing you July 2023’s Poem Of The Month, called “Harmony,” something that I (and the rest of the world) need in abundance!

Like most things, “harmony” begins with each of us, and spreads from us to others, as do the other important concepts to be incorporated into our lives: e.g., “peace,” “happiness,” “faith,” “grace,” “kindness,” etc.

“Harmony” was first written for the 2020 Advent collection, and then published in 2021 in my book entitled MINDFULNESS. I will write more on the subject, as harmony is closely related to happiness, and I’m not finished with that subject, either.

I hope you enjoy reading it.

Remember, whatever the question, love is always the answer.



Happiness occurs when what you think,
What you say and what you do are in harmony.
You know how you feel when one part is missing.
It takes all three parts to live doubt-free.
Always aim at harmony of thought, word and deed.
Happiness will follow. It is a guarantee.

Happiness is not a matter of intensity,
But of balance, order, harmony and rhythm.
No matter how excited you can get about something,
The intensity does not bring harmony; or even wisdom.
The universe is not required to bring harmony
It’s up to you. You’re in charge of the outcome.

What is happiness but the simple harmony between
A person and the life which he or she leads?
When that balance or that harmony goes away on vacation,
Happiness disappears. Are we agreed?
Be in harmony with yourself and your life will run smoothly,
Because with harmony in your life you can proceed.


Summer! Here at last!

In my opinion, when warmer weather arrives, people wear lighter and fewer layers of clothing, and seem to be happier and more open to reaching out to others, be they strangers or someone they already know. Warm weather affords a better chance for conversation to take place when people are not wearing puffy jackets and rain boots.

Good and/or unpleasant weather aside, conversation and exchange of ideas is paramount to communicating with others, to establishing friendships, and to solving problems.

One Jarod Kintz weighed in on the subject: “Communication is crucial to maintaining a relationship. Never marry a mime!”

All kidding aside, my interest in the subject of conversations brought about the following poem. I hope you enjoy it.



“The bond of all companionship is conversation,” my friends.
“Whether in marriage or friendship,” it holds true.
This is wisdom from Mark Twain, who shared his thoughts
With people like me and with people like you.

The art of conversation is the art of hearing,
As well as the art of being heard.
An ideal conversation is an exchange of thoughts,
And not an eloquent exhibition of words.

A real conversation always contains an invitation!
Yes… like an invitation to join in the dance.
You’re asking them to reveal themselves to you,
As you reveal yourself to them, with resonance.

Different people can look at the same fact
And interpret it differently, I imagine.
To understand where another is ‘coming from?’
Well, that’s where conversation begins!

A good conversation can shift the direction of change,
If those on each side are equally heard.
Choose to have a conversation with others
Rather than talking at them with your words.