You Are Led By Your Thoughts

A New Year!!

A new beginning?    

Or will it be more of the same old, same old?

My belief is that how 2024 turns out will be up to you, and to you… and you… and you… and yes, of course, to me!

A very striking bit of information about how we judge the world is the reminder that we do NOT see things as THEY ARE; we see them as WE ARE.

Swami Vivekananda, philosopher, author, and religious teacher who lived around the turn of the last century, said: “If you think about disaster, you will get it. Brood about death and you hasten your demise. Think positively and masterfully, with confidence and faith, and life becomes more secure, more fraught with action, richer in achievement and experience.”

And Winston Churchill said: “The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.”    

The World is what you think it is. If you can change your thoughts, you can change the world. It all begins with the thoughts in your mind — positive thoughts reap positive results and negative thoughts bring negative results.

Positive thinking is powerful thinking. If you want happiness, fulfillment, success, and inner peace, start thinking you have the power to achieve those things. Focus on the bright side of life and expect positive results.

Everything is within your power!

And your power is within you!



“Pessimism never won any battles,”
Nor much else, except a feeling of grief.
Dwight D. Eisenhower stated those very wise words.
We’re glad he shared his belief.

If you think about disaster, with really rough going,
Then that’s what you get nine times out of ten.
It can affect your health, your overall well-being,
Your relationships with friends… so, where’ll you be then?

Happiness doesn’t depend upon who you are,
Or what you have… Oh, no!
It depends solely on what you think,
So think positive thoughts… go on, give it a go!

Plato told us realty is created by the mind.
What you can think of you can achieve.
You can change your reality by changing your mind.
It’s true. Try it… you will soon believe.

Willie Nelson—yes, that Willie Nelson—added his thoughts to the mix
On the subject of positive and negative thinking:
“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones,
Your positive results will begin interlinking.”

BOTTOM LINE: The World is what we think it is.
We are the ones responsible for what we see.
If we can change our thoughts we can change the world.
Imagine: It all depends upon you and on me.


December 2023’s Poem of the month has a slightly different take on the subjects of giving and receiving. And, the way I understand it, the two are not that far apart.

Growing up, I was taught that “giving” was the proper thing to do. “Receiving” was not brought up in the discussion. So, it became easier and more comfortable for me to give to others than it was to receive from them. Finding the right words to say “thanks” was always awkward.

Then one day, it occurred to me that being a gracious receiver could actually be interpreted as a form of giving…

To give another person the opportunity to show kindness and affection for you opens your vulnerability and exposes your true “human” side… the “real” you.

Please enjoy the poem, “Receiving.”

And remember, whatever the question, love is always the answer…



Somehow we’re taught that learning to give
Is more important than learning to receive.
So, from childhood on we practice the art of giving,
Assuming that always giving is a goal to achieve.

Yes, a generous spirit along with the gift
Is a goal that’s worthy of one’s pursuing;
Though it’s a one-direction move of a gift or good wishes,
And the act and direction could be up for reviewing.

Gracious acceptance is an art unto itself
And is seldom, if ever, cultivated.
Accepting gifts can be much harder than giving —
You’re allowing another to show how much you are appreciated.

And, in receiving the gift, you’re allowing another
To know the joy of giving with an open heart.
It’s a lovely, unending cycle that knows no end,
And you have the joy of knowing you have played your part.

According to C. C. Miller, “Hugging is the truest form
Of giving and receiving” at the same time.
You’re “getting” and “giving” all at once, and
The feeling you get is nothing short of sublime.

Age Has Opportunities

A few people I know who live by the “Glass Half Empty” philosophy are beginning (some are continuing) to lament the fact that they can’t do the things they used to do when they were younger! 

[What? Are their brains locked in “programs" that don’t allow for upgrades or changes to what they can and cannot do?]

There’s only one answer to this situation and it’s summed up in a few words: 


The November 2023 Poem Of The Month is called “Age Has Opportunities.” I believe it might have a message for those who are stuck in their comparative past; and also for those who can use encouragement to approach life with new enthusiasm, courage, and openness to joy.

Love yourself in the process.  

Remember, whatever the question, Love is always the answer.



There’s an old Irish saying on the subject of aging;
It’s simple and straightforward, I’m sure you’ll agree.
“You’re not as young as you once were,
And you’re not as old as you’re going to be.”

In the continuum between your youth and old age
A lot of “stuff” has happened that has made you pliable;
Some good, some bad; some painful some joyful;
Some life-changing and some life-stealing, but all mostly memorable

No matter your age, the years ahead are yours to win.
You cannot let anything stand in your way!
The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.
The ideas you internalized in your youth do not go away!

True aging only happens to people who lose the lust
For getting better, for improving the people they are.
They’ve lost their natural curiosity about their world.
They’re motivated by nothing in particular.

So, as soon as you feel too old to do something,
DO IT! Surprise yourself and those around!
You prove yourself wrong, and you certainly surprise others.
Your quality of life will become quite profound!

Aging is an amazing process by which you’re becoming
The person you always were meant to be.
Getting older can be compared to climbing a mountain:
You may get a little out of breath, but the view is extraordinary!

Age may wrinkle the face, but lack of enthusiasm
Will wrinkle the soul. It’s a fact!!!
Remember, wrinkles only go where the smiles have been.
Joy on your face has the greatest impact.