Be the Hero of Your Own Story

Honestly, the longer I live, the more I am coming face to face with my own life’s “truisms!

I’ve even written poems about them! For example (in alphabetical order), “Accept Uncertainty As A Blessing;” “Attitude Is The Key;” “Authenticity I and II;” “Be The Change;” “Be The Solution;” “Be Yourself;” “Carpe Diem;” “The Choice Is Yours To Make,” etc., etc.

In fact, the subjects of many of the poems I’ve written over the years and shared in my books are showing up again in my life, and giving me pause… a second look at the messages in them…

The success or failure of my life is, quite simply, up to me. I am the writer of my own script. I am solely responsible for the thoughts in my head, and solely responsible for the decisions I make about acting on them…

And… so are you!

You are the hero of your own story… as I am of mine!

Enough of waiting… of blaming or excusing… of feeling helpless!

Time to take charge… and to take responsibility for the way things turn out for you!

It’s time to be your own hero!

And remember, whatever the question, love is always the answer.



Every person has the potential to be
A hero in his or her own story line.
It’s a matter of being true to your values and principles;
And to live with those values as your guideline.

Heroes do not wait for someone else’s action.
They become the change they wish to see.
They take responsibility for their behavior.
It’s natural to them… a matter of policy.

When you realize that you’re the only person
Responsible for your own happiness and peace,
You will begin to approach life differently.
Your doubts and fears will decrease.

Heroes know that change starts from within.
It is personal and private to each individual.
They strive to become the best versions of themselves.
It’s a wonderful kind of renewal.

Sometimes the hardest battles are fought within,
Causing one to confront his or her own flaw.
And fearlessly working towards self-improvement
Is heroic in itself. Friends look on with awe!

The two most important days in your life?
Well, the first one is the day you were born. Oh, my!
And the second? (A very good question to ponder…)
Is when you figure out why!

It takes some courage to grow up and become
The person you really are… Indeed!!!
You can change the world simply by being yourself!
Solve your own problems in order to succeed.

Love Yourself First

Throughout the ages, the advice to love yourself first has prevailed. From Buddha to Eleanor Roosevelt; from Oscar Wilde to Rumi; from Hecaton of Rhodes to Dolly Parton, the advice has been the same.

Buddha: “You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”

Eleanor Roosevelt: “Friendship with one’s self is all-important because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world.”

Oscar Wilde: “To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.”

Rumi: “And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?”

Hecaton of Rhodes: “If you wish to be loved, love.”

Dolly Parton: “Find out who you are and do it on purpose.”

These bright people are not promoting a narcissistic love of self, but a healthy one with acceptance, patience, forgiveness and kindness — just like you would love a best friend, warts and all.

So, by loving yourself, accepting yourself, you become the person you want to be and others notice! Make yourself a priority! When things change inside you, things change around you.

I hope you enjoy this March 2024 Poem of the Month, and please remember, whatever the question, love is always the answer.



Self-talk may be the culprit, the thing that holds you back
From living your best life, the one you would choose
If you knew that self-love is essential for loving others.
(True love starts with self-love; do not be confused.)

Mark Twain said it best when he penned these words:
“A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.”
Befriend yourself first; other friendships will follow.
When you’ve learned this, it’s nothing short of a miracle.

You may have been criticizing yourself for years…
(And how has that worked for you? Probably not well.)
Try approving of yourself and see what happens:
You’ll have friends, you’ll be happy, and doubts will dispel.

We teach others how to think of us… (yes, we do)
By how we think of ourselves, don’t you know.
How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you.
You’ve everything to gain — Come on, give it a go…

When you take care of yourself, you’re a better person for others.
You’re continually teaching others how to treat you.
When you feel good about yourself, you treat others better.
The exchange becomes natural… it’s what you do.

Self-love and love of others go hand in hand,
And, ultimately one cannot tell one from another.
Your relationship with yourself will set the tone
For all other relationships you might have. You’re the author.

Fall in love with yourself, It’s the first secret to happiness.
Be kind, be considerate; be your own best friend.
Self-care is giving the world the best of you
Instead of what is left of you in the end.

Finding Beauty

It has occurred to me recently, with all the unpleasant news filling the air ways day after day, that more attention needs to be paid to positive and uplifting thoughts and information for our ears (and our souls). The result?  

FINDING BEAUTY, my February 2024 Poem Of The Month, will hopefully help us to counteract some of those negative news stories with positive, beautiful and uplifting thoughts and approaches to life.

We do have choices as to how we see the world that we live in, and how we approach it. Carry love in your heart and your life will benefit from it.

Remember, whatever the question, love is always the answer.



“A beautiful heart sees beauty in everything!”
(In my observation, I’ve found this to be true.)
The beauty in your heart determines the quality of your life.
How you see the world depends entirely upon you!

Life is full of beauty if you’re able to notice.
It’s up to you to see it. It’s right there, ready to be seen.
The reflection off the lake, a small child playing —
The sunset, the sunrise, a conversation serene…

Cultivate the habit of seeing the beauty
Which surrounds you always, if you only could see;
Something as simple as the shape of food on your plate,
Or the play of shadows as the breeze moves the tree.

Beauty is the promise of happiness and
No beauty shines brighter than that of a good heart.
Fix your attention on the beautiful and the good,
And dwell as little as possible in the opposite part.

Spend time in a gallery to appreciate fine art;
Make reading poetry and listening to music your goal,
So that worldly cares don’t obliterate the beautiful
Which nature has implanted in the human soul.

Franz Kafka said the ability to see beauty around you
Keeps you young. You will never grow “old.”
Acknowledge the beauty that resides within you.
It will open your heart with joy to behold!