Age Has Opportunities

A few people I know who live by the “Glass Half Empty” philosophy are beginning (some are continuing) to lament the fact that they can’t do the things they used to do when they were younger! 

[What? Are their brains locked in “programs" that don’t allow for upgrades or changes to what they can and cannot do?]

There’s only one answer to this situation and it’s summed up in a few words: 


The November 2023 Poem Of The Month is called “Age Has Opportunities.” I believe it might have a message for those who are stuck in their comparative past; and also for those who can use encouragement to approach life with new enthusiasm, courage, and openness to joy.

Love yourself in the process.  

Remember, whatever the question, Love is always the answer.



There’s an old Irish saying on the subject of aging;
It’s simple and straightforward, I’m sure you’ll agree.
“You’re not as young as you once were,
And you’re not as old as you’re going to be.”

In the continuum between your youth and old age
A lot of “stuff” has happened that has made you pliable;
Some good, some bad; some painful some joyful;
Some life-changing and some life-stealing, but all mostly memorable

No matter your age, the years ahead are yours to win.
You cannot let anything stand in your way!
The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.
The ideas you internalized in your youth do not go away!

True aging only happens to people who lose the lust
For getting better, for improving the people they are.
They’ve lost their natural curiosity about their world.
They’re motivated by nothing in particular.

So, as soon as you feel too old to do something,
DO IT! Surprise yourself and those around!
You prove yourself wrong, and you certainly surprise others.
Your quality of life will become quite profound!

Aging is an amazing process by which you’re becoming
The person you always were meant to be.
Getting older can be compared to climbing a mountain:
You may get a little out of breath, but the view is extraordinary!

Age may wrinkle the face, but lack of enthusiasm
Will wrinkle the soul. It’s a fact!!!
Remember, wrinkles only go where the smiles have been.
Joy on your face has the greatest impact.


Sooner or later, in one’s life, the existential questions begin to pop up in our conscious minds… like, “Why was I born?” “What is the meaning of life?” “Where did I come from (before birth) and where am I going (after death)?” … and many more… for instance, “What is my purpose?”

I certainly don’t have any finite answers that would necessarily quiet your mind, or work for you — but it’s a treat to share comments on some of the esoteric thoughts that pop up every now and then for me.

Perhaps the answers to some of these kinds of questions will come to us, and perhaps they won’t… but for me, at this time, I am consciously working on simply “being where my feet are.” 

That’s the best I can do, for now…

Please enjoy the October 2023 Poem of the Month, entitled “Meaning.”

And, remember, “Whatever the question, Love is always the answer.



What is the meaning of the word “meaning?”
Where does it measure on the scale of understanding?
The definition of meaning must depend upon who is searching;
So, agreement about “meaning” is elusive, notwithstanding.

Plato defines man as “a being in search of meaning,”
And many people I know could be defined that way.
The searches play out in as many ways as there are people.
They each formulate their search on their own pathway.

It is also believed that people are not really looking for meaning,
But for the experience of being alive on this earth.
Joseph Campbell suggests this… So is meaning a by-product
Of a successful discovery of one’s own self-worth?

The meaning of life is not to be discovered only
After death in some hidden mysterious realm.
It is found by eating fruit from the Tree of Life;
By sailing (living) fully and creatively. You’re at the helm!


Ah, September 2023, and the kids are back in school, where their minds can be challenged and their innate curiosity can be piqued to pursue their academic interests.

Recently I had an opportunity to attend the annual Institute for Systems Biology’s Summer Soiree —- where the wine and hors d’oeuvres flowed and the scientific presentations thrilled and amazed us. Stimulating conversation followed as we spoke personally with the young, brilliant scientists about their various projects. Next generation up!!!

Again, it occurred to me that it is the curiosity level of scientists (anybody, really) which keeps them burning the midnight oil in pursuit of answers to their questions concerning mankind.

Thank goodness for scientists and thank goodness for teachers who can awaken their curiosity!  

Here, then, is my September 2023 Poem of the Month, “Awakening.” I hope you enjoy and experience it.

And, remember:  Whatever the question, love is always the answer.



The whole art of teaching is the art of awakening 
The natural curiosity of the student you teach.
The student’s curiosity will take him far
As he continues to ponder everything in reach.

Without curiosity there’s rarely an awakening;
The two go together like crackers and cheese.
It’s exhilarating to be alive in a time of awakening.
It can come in one “whoosh,” or slowly, by degrees.

If every day is an awakening for you,
It is said that you’ll never grow old —
No, you’ll just keep on growing and explore as you grow
And live in amazement as you watch your life unfold.

Puccini noted that “inspiration is an awakening.”
It’s “a quickening of [the entirety] of our faculties.”
“It is manifested in all high artistic achievements.”
(Also in Science, in Mathematics, and in the Humanities.)

A spiritual awakening is when something emerges
From within you that is deeper than who you thought you were.
You, the person, are still there, but now it appears
That something more powerful shines through, to be sure.